TI-89 Graphing Calculator For Dummies


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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9780471778202
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 368 S., 7.46 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2005
Format: PDF
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Adobe DRM


Do you own a TI-89, TI-89 Titanium, TI-92 Plus, or a Voyage 200 graphing calculator? If you do, or if you need to get one for school or your job, then you need to know how it works and how to make the most of its functions.

TI-89 For Dummies is the plain-English nuts-and-bolts guide that gets you up and running on all the things your TI-89 can do, quickly and easily. This hands-on reference guides you step by step through various tasks and even shows you how to add applications to your calculator. Soon youll have the tools you need to:

Solve equations and systems of equationsFactor polynomialsEvaluate derivatives and integralsGraph functions, parametric equations, polar equations, and sequencesCreate Stat Plots and analyze statistical dataMultiply matricesSolve differential equations and systems of differential equationsTransfer files between two or more calculatorsSave calculator files on your computer

Packed with exciting and valuable applications that you can download from the Internet and install through your computer, as well as common errors and messages with explanations and solutions,TI-89 For Dummies is the one-stop reference for all your graphing calculator questions!


C.C. Edwards is an instructor at Coastal Carolina University and a former editor of Texas Instruments'Eightysomething, a newsletter for parents and educators.


Introduction 1

Part I: Making Friends with the Calculator 7

Chapter 1: Coping with the Basics 9

Chapter 2: Doing Basic Arithmetic 25

Part II: Doing Algebra and Trigonometry 35

Chapter 3: Solving Equations, Factoring, and Other Great Stuff 37

Chapter 4: Dealing with Complex Numbers 57

Part III: Graphing and Analyzing Functions 61

Chapter 5: Graphing Functions of One Variable 63

Chapter 6: Exploring Functions 77

Chapter 7: Analyzing Functions 89

Part IV: Working with Sequences, Parametric Equations, and Polar Equations 105

Chapter 8: Graphing Sequences 107

Chapter 9: Exploring Sequences 117

Chapter 10: Parametric Equations 127

Chapter 11: Polar Equations 147

Part V: Doing Calculus 169

Chapter 12: Dealing with Differential and Integral Calculus 171

Chapter 13: Dealing with Vector Calculus 183

Chapter 14: Graphing Surfaces and Contour Maps 189

Chapter 15: Dealing with Differential Equations 205

Part VI: Dealing with Matrices 239

Chapter 16: Creating and Editing Matrices 241

Chapter 17: Using Matrices 251

Part VII: Dealing with Probability and Statistics 259

Chapter 18: Probability 261

Chapter 19: Dealing with Statistical Data 265

Chapter 20: Analyzing Statistical Data 273

Part VIII: Communicating with PCs and Other Calculators 287

Chapter 21: Communicating with a PC Using TI Connect 289

Chapter 22: Communicating between Calculators 293

Part IX: The Part of Tens 297

Chapter 23: Ten Great Applications 299

Chapter 24: Ten Common Errors and Messages 303

Appendix: Creating Custom Menus 307

Index 317

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